>>6181821“Shi-!” you exclaim, trying to back off only for her to attack. From her right hand explodes forth a blade of ki, piercing straight through your chest.
“Kyuaah-?!” you exclaim, freezing in place as you feel her ki cut straight through you, her blade of ki piercing all the way through you and out of your back. “G-Guah?!”
“Filthy <span class="mu-i">ningen</span>. How DARE you lay your filthy, impure hands upon me?” Amaya Black says as you back off, her blade cutting you on the way back out. “You thought you could best ME? How foolish! Now, accept your fate! Aaaahahahahahaa!”
“Heh. Heheh. Hahaha.” you say, clutching at the hole in your chest, forcing out a laugh through the pain as you focus your aura on the injury.
“What? What's so funny?!” she snarls as you raise your head, meeting her gaze. Grinning widely as your injury begins healing, even your armor seemingly repairing itself before her eyes. “N-N-No, that's-! That's IMPOSSIBLE! Y-You're... Immortal?!”
“Heh. Just because you took my body, clearly it seems you didn't also take my brains. Or my power.” you declare, rising back up to your full height. “Because if you had, you would know just who it is you're dealing with.”
“Tch!” Black seethes through clenched teeth, backing up and taking a defensive stance. Clearly wary of you at the least.
“You're not dealing with the average Saiyan warrior anymore. Hell, you're not even dealing with the average Saiyan god. I am the Goddess of Victory! Chaya the Champion! And I CAN'T lose to some cheap imitation of myself!” you declare, azure aura blazing as your powerlevel suddenly soars, closing the gap in power between you both. As if in acknowledgment of your declaration. Reality itself seeming to bend to your words, to the Faith your people, your fans have in you to be the best.
“Wh-What?! No, this-! This CANNOT be!!” Amaya Black says, looking horrified as she no doubt senses the power gap between you both disappear. “I am divine justice incarnate! I cannot be bested by some lowly, filthy mortal playing at godhood!”
“Don't tell me that THIS is all the power you've got? I came here because I thought I would get to fight someone as strong as mys-HAAAA!” you say then shout, turning and swatting aside the ki blade the other Zamasu tries thrusting into your back. With your counterclockwise spin you swat his blade aside with your left forearm, then driving your right up into his guts. Following it up with a left to the jaw, snapping Zamasu's head back and sending the Kai flying back, smashing into another ruined building. “Really? You thought you could sneak up on ME?! REALLY? Trying to stab me in the back? Just like a filthy, honor-less Kai. Oh well, I'm going to crush you now.”
And without hesitation you charge, dashing back in and instantly closing the gap between yourself and Black.