>>5232517Hmm. Oh, you know what to do! ‘Pantea, gonna multitask for a moment. Wanna do any more image training? Also, want any grub?’
‘Grub does sound good. And yeah, I’m up for that.’
‘Great! I’ll get ya somethin’.’ You use Multiform and, while one of you heads towards the buffet, the other stays with Pantea, observing the match. Though honestly you take it kinda casually, seeing how Sala and Pintar begin their match. You do notice that Hado was right, and the large man does seem to have some Magical abilities, because he spits out a jet of fire from his mouth. Sala scrambles to dodge it at first, with the fire heating the floor considerably and getting her to run from it. However, she eventually recovers and… hits him with an MP Buster! Ah! Interesting!
Now all he’s exhaling is some bad breath, and Sala takes the advantage of that with a quick dash around him, kneeing him in the back of the head. Pintar hits the floor in front of him… and lets out a yelp of pain, bellyflopping on the heated tiles. As he tries to get back up, Sala grabs him by the back of his vest and flings him outward. Pintar’s caught by Mighty Mask, who gives him a nod and stands beside him.
You, meanwhile, are looking over the buffet with your copy and getting a plate of stuff ready. Mongolian Barbecue, with some nice dishes ready! Oooh, and there’s some rice pilaf, and… oooooh gyros! You start to pile some on and- Hey! Someone’s taking that gyro! Oh. “Saw that first, Peppa.” you tell her with a narrowed glare.
“Hm? Oh, does it have your name on it?” she responds cheekily. You use telekinesis to etch your name onto the bread. She looks at it, rolls her eyes, and laughs as she hands it over to you. “You’re silly, cous.”
“I’m hungry is what I am.” you retort, setting it on the plate.
“Well, one match down. How do you feel about it?” she asks, getting another gyro and doing what you did to etch her name onto it. Peppa then has it kinda march in the air towards her plate.
“I feel absolutely great.” you state adamantly. “Even more prepared for the matches to come.”
“All right, but try not to let the showboating get in the way of victory. Else you’ll find your ambitions…” Peppa grins. “Put on ice.” She giggles and runs off and ooooh she’s gonna get it tomorrow. You shake a fork at her and head back to Pantea with two full plates.