>>5976805>Art: Fiona Staples>Alt-text: Comic art of a blond man, Threshold, sitting cross-legged in a field of flowers. He has a red glass eye and a face smeared with blood. He wears a suit with a badge that says “82.”Assessment: Bruce Wayne is harder to control than metahuman teenagers. Plan of action: Reactivate decommissioned assets.
Waller: Cold storage unlock. DV8-82: Threshold.
Subject Acquired. Caucasian Male. Early 20s. Metahuman Abilities: Telekinesis, Telepathy. Mental Status:
Threshold: I’ll KILL YOU ALL!
Waller: Stand down Threshold. We’ve got work to do.
Threshold: And who the hell are you?
Waller: Amanda Waller. Your new C.O.
Threshold: I’m <span class="mu-s">DONE</span> taking orders.
Asset applying telekinetic force. Pressure potential over 1000 times the lethal amount. Chance of harm: zero.
Waller: I know where your sister is!
Threshold: What?!
Sfx: PLOP!
Note to self: Invest in softer floors for base tiling.
Waller: International Operations froze her in a different facility when DV8 was shut down. If you behave, I’ll tell you how to find her.
Threshold: Please. I’m a higher lifeform. An ultiman. I can pull all the information I need from your pathetic brai-ARRRGHHHH!
Waller: Not very fun in there is it?
Threshold: Shhhggk.. Gggggg.
Waller: I’m going to unfreeze some of your old teammates. You’re going to keep them in line. You’re going to do this job. Then you can run off with your sister to live out your ubermench fantasies. Understand?
Threshold: Y-yes.
Waller: Yes, <span class="mu-s">Ma’am.</span>