>>5725442>Tell her your name Raff Barron.>"Don't talk to me like you've already won."Your heart sinks as you fail to deal any direct damage. Is this how you die? Was your opponent right about you?
No. No. You look at the board. You destroyed Magus and Liche, her only card on the field is Melancolia. You, meanwhile, have two giant creatures.
"Don't talk to me like you've already won. I'm Raff Baron, and I'll be the one who defeats you!"
You confidently draw a card for the turn. It's not Hydra. You feel slightly less confident.
You now have enough resources to play two cards per turn.
Choose up to two:
>Organ Harvest, a Martyr that gives you resources>Cancro, a creature that can heal from the damage it's taken>Curio Collector, a creature that lets you trade a card in your hand for one in the discard pile (Pick what you discard and what you get back)>Baroque, a creature that lets you send a card of your choice from your deck to the discard pile to gain resources>Chimaera, a creature that deals double damage if it gets to attack directly