TURN 101
>>6034150>Silver Guardians1-4) The ice is melted all the way back to the lab originating the phenomena. The golems burn down to ash the open fridge going there on "extra-extra frosty" setting.
The ice starts to substract... The damage to the academy is substantial
>BuildingREMOVE [Academy III]
[Academy II]
>OtherREMOVE [Dry Ice Experiment]
TURN 103
>>6033829>The Mountain Confederation1) The holiday is over, slowing down the construction as people return to their regular chores (4/12)
3) One of the lecturers is a veteran from the Insect War, and students are more curious about his tales from it than their study (5/30)
>>6033925>Formicus Imperia1-5) The new kind of inquisitors enter service. They are made to get close to the battlefields - even get involved in fight if needed to. But mostly, to last and to keep orders going
>Military6 Military Inquisitors +0.6 [Arm]