>>5371364Think upon the lamentation of all the Aztec wives, who knows what could have been...
I embedded an elaborate stupid mathematical riddle joke behind the name LEATH HEDGER
>>5353391and all the moral physics game theoretic nonsense here
>>5371360>>5352561>>5352371No, it is not just that Heath Ledger was in both A Knight's Tale and The Dark Knight and committed suicide.
Leath can mean side, portion, direction, breadth (Leath sometimes used in old Irish place names)... so a "Leath Hedger" is someone who hedges sides, or hedges with breadth... eg breadth-first search, the most basic algorithm iteration for graph traversal.
Incidentally, it is how you might solve a maze, or Pathless Labyrinth.
This is the level of turboautism to which I have arrived... it probably only makes sense with regret.