>>6140648You and Shirin move to a conference room to continue your meeting. Shirin looks out the observation window across the yard to your frigate berths where the work crews are already beginning to lay down the keels for the militia frigates.
“You seem to be doing well for yourself sister.”
“My apparent success has only come at the tail end of a very long run of misfortune. If I hadn’t secured the current contract this company would be facing bankruptcy.”
Shirin nodded, taking in the information as she continued to watch the workers assemble the frigates.
“What of Shima? Have you finally whipped that renegade colony into shape?”
“The situation has improved, but it is not completely stabilised. The recent Anti-Imperial Defence Pact has emboldened local rebellious factions and pirates to plunder my defence convoys whenever my picket fleets cannot provide escort. The capital ship you sent us helped, though I wish you were not so reluctant to build ships for me before.”
“Shirin, the company was in dire straits, and you offer too little in return for what you ask. I simply could not afford to fulfil your requests.”
“Maiyumi, do not forget that your first loyalty is to House Shimada, engaging in this… hobby of yours should not supersede the survival of our House.”
You felt a flash of anger at this; Horned Princess Shipworks was no mere hobby, it was to be your crowning achievement, as important to you as Shima was to your sister.
“War is coming to our realm. The Lord Commander is mustering a fleet to break the rebel colonies, with Shima not fully pacified, resistance activity will intensify. I need more ships sister and you are the only one who can supply them.”
“I don’t have enough work crews to finish the current order and begin construction of a new capital ship.”
Shirin turned to glare at you. “I am not asking you for a favour sister, I am <span class="mu-i">commanding</span> you as head of House Shimada.”
You stare back at her in shocked silence. Eventually her expression softened slightly.
“I know it is not a small thing that I ask, but the survival of our house depends upon it. The Empire may have denied me access to the Far Halo yards but it has given me a stipend of exotic matter to spend. I will provide this so that you may construct the ship for me and pay what I can for the rest of it.”
<span class="mu-r">Your liege has commanded you to build a Suppressor Class Assault Carrier</span>
>Accept the order and forfeit the Militia frigate contract.>Defy your sister and leave her with nothing.>Defy your sister, but put her in touch with a reputable mercenary (Kryska)>The Car’cass militia was mostly made up of Blorg, get Jack to hire two Blorg work crews to complete the contract while you transfer your human crews to make your sister’s ship. (Cost 3Mil Scrip)>Write-InOh and:
>Gained Remote Effector Technology.