>>5145552>>5145559"Who are you?" Confused, you change in attitude as the stranger interrupts your griefing period to cryptically speak about Merlina and the Eclipse. How does he even know about all that?
"You can consider me an enemy of the ones you just fought. One who is deeply aware of the laws of cause and effect." The Skull Knight answers without elaborating any further, not really answering anything in the long run.
"You appear to be growing deeply aware of the laws yourself, Halfling. By trying to interfere with the laws of causality, very little is changing, and you are left to carry the weight of your benevolent heart and blame yourself for it. Much similarly to the struggler from the eclipse, your path leads to a lot of suffering, but one caused by much more virtuous intent." The undead soldier compliments your journey thus far, but indirectly warns that you're digging your own grave by trying to share the weight of others and their pain when they are marked for death.
"Struggler from the eclipse... Do you mean Guts? Were you the one who caused that typhoon all those years ago?" You try to get a reading from this riddler, thinking that there is no one else Griffith could have sacrificed by using his Behelit.
"That is the name he goes for, yes. While I do not recommend for all to live the same way he does, the struggler has been growing in power as we speak, even if he is aimless in his current goals."
So Guts did leave through the eclipse... He can't be in a similar state as Merlina, can he?
"Like the Silver Eyed, the struggler has lost what is precious to him, and seeks revenge against the Fifth angel Femto. We all share a common enemy, and I had to take care of the bigger threat, since you had the better odds in containing the plague, my priorities were set."
What the hell could he be doing in the mean time that was more important than what you did? Just by sensing his Od, you blinded yourself in white with how much energy he was dishing out, looking at him that way felt like staring for too long at the sun. If he is so powerful, why can't he do more than chew at Behelits like they were raisins?
"What's with this eating of Behelits anyway? Are you storing them for the winter?"
"I am forging a weapon. With it, I can reach into the deepest level of the Astral World, borrowing it's power to use it against the God Hand itself." Skull Knight draws his sword but does not activate it's ability. Does he know of how you tend to react by staring at the abyss?
"So the God Hand does not control causality?" Could there be an even more omnipotent entity than them? Impossible...
"They are executors of a more primal entity. Causality has no true owner, it merely acts by itself. Those who grow aware of it can either accept what's coming, or grow in their hatred as they descend into the spiral. However, there are the ones who can predict the infinite possibilities, and choose which will better fit in their narratives."