>6184106>6178504>6178508>6178807>6180132The Nameless Knight struck a blow to Amalthea as she fled, proving that some survival instinct remained. Meanwhile, Zerimael broke Ioun Stone 001a and the Hammer of Alphard, but Ruin Knight Alphard managed to dodge the Voidstar and make it bleed. Slightly.
>6179143Nihildir was inspired by the Spectral Storms and acted to expand on life in the Outer Shell Nebula. As Mortal Souls coalesced from the realm’s energies, Soul Keepers arose to shepherd them.
Seeing the restlessness of dead mortal souls, Nihildir determined a new realm to be necessary. At its will, the Plane of Death took shape.
>6179317>6180132>6180133Scylla & Charybdis gave birth to Angraecum, Corpse Flower. Together, they swarmed after Amalthea in envious hate, but the unconscious Goddess escaped them.
>6179804Furious, Scylla & Charybdis sunk everything they had into twisting the Spark against beauty.
>6179418Scylla & Charybdis decided that Strad-Aniya Rak just might be ugly enough to work together.
>6179975The Nameless Crow grew pensive and put everything they had into the Spark, foreseeing an impressive game board.
>6179337Thyp’ptyklpt contemplates potential unforeseen and mysteries untold, and writes them down in the Tome of Hope and Tome of Secrets.
>6180220Sensing Brother Yieldback’s desire for a secure reality, Guthsip scoops some of the metaphysical blood of creation’s first battle. With it, she creates the violent and willful Voidwatchers in the Swamp of Torment.
It isn’t long before skirmishes begin between Hairless Apes and Voidwatchers. While the Voidwatchers are faster, fiercer, and instinctively understand tactics, the Hairless Apes are stronger and their wildness sometimes surprises their foes. For now, they are in a stalemate.
Thus was the Second Eon in the Era of Emergence.
>Cosmology of the Second Eon>https://rentry.org/knsptxm9>Timeline of the Second Eon>https://rentry.org/t7erthpd