>>6160752Military: Bakhold Pouncers and Shadows sent to Habitun-066 against Parasite Wasps. Huntsmen, Fumancers, and Shadowmancers sent against invading Harpies in Habitun-083
Diplomacy 1: Send Skrit to fight for Habitun-066 against Parasite Wasps in exchange for looting rights
Diplomacy 2: Sell excess Shadow Jelly to Skrit and Vitruvians, they don't care about food taste
Diplomacy 3: Food from Habitun-066 and Habitun-083 traded for Venk precious metals and weapons, supplanting their ailing food storages (commission either direction)
>Stige 066: Barely rebuffed attack. Two Huntsmen succumbed to larvae. Five missing, likely being dissected.>Stige 016: More likely being used for incubation.>Stige 011: A Solaire-infused focused beam of light co->Stige 083: We wouwd send ouw own fowces tuwu aid, but the Tewwafowesaken Fugwewoman have waunched anothew offensive.>Stige 005: S--d mor- --apons p----e. Th- Bu-lm-- are at--cking!>Stige 001: Working on it. 066 will receive Skrit parties and Bakhold Pouncers, 005 will receive my findings regarding the Venk nature, 083 will receive a detachmen of Huntsmen, per council decree. We would offer more, but until more trade can be organized, this is the best we can offer.>Stige 016: We will send detachment of Monks to 066. Information obtained from 001's Skrit could prove fruitful for future discoveries.>Stige 032: 777 Elder Bowmen will be added to 083's universe. They will snipe those Fugelwomen with unerring measured accuracy.>Stige 011: I pray Solair->Stige 016: Stige 011 will be muted for the remainder of the tyrn.>Stige 083: Dwagon wiww wikewy be open to twading gowd and siwvew fow bawbecued kobowds and fawm pwoduce>Stige 001: Such would be greatly appreciated. Our homesteaders' orchards are failing, and the hunts bring back less and less meat. On the upside, faith has been renewed, and we may see more genuine conversion from Skrit-Central.>Stige 038: "genuine conversion"? You imply that you are sending insincere converts through the holy Shadow Portal?>Stige 088[1]: Habitun-001 has fallen.>Stige 001: Sufficiently performative religion is indistinguishible from sincere religion.>Stige 088: Will you preach of Terra the rock next?>Stige 016: I can concur Skrit religion is as genuine as it is capable of. A transactional relation between god and flock contingent on miracles and->Stige 083: Hey 016, I sent you a gift>Stige 016: *COUGH* You-*COUGH*-you vil-*COUGH*[2]1. Habitun where giant savage spiders besiege Vencia and attempt to cross Supkha through webbing its surface. Rumors of Changeling agents infiltrating through the Orcmanie road. Suspicious Stige.
2. Stige 083 sent Stige 016 anti-Skrit salts, which caused a temporary muting of his side of the shadow ant network pending a cleaning of his antennae. Stige 083 has agreed not to pursue the matter in exchange for no more complaints about the speech filter imposed on Stige 083
- Excerpt from shadow ant communiques between Stige Sukons