Rolled 19, 18, 19, 14 = 70 (4d20)
>>5768805>>5768809You take one step back, another. You duck your hea,d avoiding a wild, decapitating strike, and…
>18You lashing out with the spade of your tail, deflecting the abckswing by striking at your opponent’s wrist. You step forward, into the Demon Knight’s embrace, and wing your own moonblade up, charging it with just the faintest spark of energy to set its white stone face blade with radiant energy, and slice open the already-closing dagger-wound you earlier inflicted. You expose tendons and bone with the deep wound, and as the tainted gore splashes your face you grin. It isn’t a human expression of glee, but the exposed teeth of a carnivore, a predator, sensing weakness and hungering for the kill…
>Demon Knight: 1/5 HP…But you don’t kill them, AN’T kill them, not yet. You need the Succubus intact, and you will not break an oath made in the name of a Dark God—not to make a duel easier, not out of weakness or cowardice. Even as the Succubus’ oppressive aura of extradimensional dread presses down on you like the atmospheric weight of the waves, evoking your near-drowning, your spirit does not break or buckle.
“Surrender!” you demand. “You stand no chance!”
“N-never!” the Green Knight snarls.
He pushes you back, one hand dangling weakly at his side and limply holding his blade. You can already see his flesh beginning to stitch back together, and THAT you cannot allow. You begin to leap forwards, word raised… But suddenly the green Knight’s other hand lifts up, and extends deadly talons, each the length of a sword, to snatch you from the very air!