Quoted By:
[05:00 - x/22/4999 - We have found out something interesting from monitoring local news of the area the following day, after our unsubtle destruction of the totem.]
A suicide occurred in the neighboring village of Ilzvitz.
27 year old Dane Merrywealth, self-employed yoga instructor, committed suicide. On his person in his van was found various articles and possessions related to HEUSitic worship and Khanate influence, including a manifesto and religious texts. His autopsy officially released by the village chiefs reveal a number of fake fingers on his hands. Dane had been a frequent visitor to the Fu Dog refugee community, providing aid to the locals and offering instructions.
Though our act was still denounced as terrorism in the local news, with locals themselves erroneously calling us HEUSite anarchists, it is all too clear that some in the area feel a lot... more relieved, following the destruction, even if they are not at liberty to be vocal about it.
Our Intelligence surmises that Dane was likely a cult initiate provided with the knowledge of Kami summoning and instructed in turn to manipulate the Fu Dogs to help manifest a vassal of the Dark Lord in the area. Our records we looked at after the fact account for similar instances in the Shengesian Scourge Fronts.
We believe the entity that was being summoned is "Yasomagatsuhi-no-kami", a being known as the "Gatekeeper of the Hellhole" according to the Imperials. This is consistent with reports of the very entity being summoned in the Scourge Fronts before by amassed anger and rage. We believe Yasomagatsuhi may in fact be an embodiment of pure anger, somehow. It is suggested the being is a genuine Yongesian style Kami as well, beyond the suggestion such a name would give.
We count ourselves as having thwarted the summoning of this being as intended by the Khanate. Nothing has been done to deter the Fu Dogs from simply restarting the process, but so far they have not acted. We will monitor things from here passively.
[HALE] "Gentlemen. Even if we're not entirely certain, you've surely prevented something ugly before it could happen. Good work."
[Operation: Murderspasm - COMPLETED]
[Deployment Terminated]