>>5579223>>5579580You cross your arms. "Superheroes do not gamble, unless they gamble their lives to save other."
Monster rolls his eyes so hard they fall off his face, then scurry back into his sockets. "Gee, who in history class said that one?"
"I don't know." you reply. "I think I came up with that one myself. Did it really sound like something an old superhero would say?"
"Oh totally, it's up there with "drink your milk," and "how come no one recognizes me with glasses?"
Monster spins his spear. "Now, grasshopper, do you know the most important part of shapeshifting?"
(The part of Monster in this thread is played by the legendary Lo Mang of Venom Mob fame)
"Creativity?" you ask.
"Close! And creativity is very important, but its not as important as knowledge." Monster flips open the top of his head like a lid and takes out a golden lump of brain. It makes soft, soothing choir noises as he holds it. "School sucks, but knowledge really is power, as they say. Izzy, could you turn the Mercury Toothpick into a samoflange?"
"What's that?"
"I'm not telling, so you don't know. Can you do it?"
"I get it. I can only create things I understand."
"Understand inside and out! Take me for instance. To turn into all the stuff I turn into, I had to learn a lot. Biology, chemistry, cell structure, atomic structure, man, you Matterworlders get so complicated on the small level. On the big scale? Big empty void filled with sparks of burning matter. On the small scale? Its' like some god designed you guys with copy protection."
"You seem to like learning."
"I love learning! The more I learn, the more I can turn into! Just ask Form Master Gora, he teaches a bunch of shapeshifters and, by the way, he could help you a lot with the Mercury Toothpick, he's a little more cool than the average teacher, but you go on and ask him about me. I'm in his advanced class. I can copy most of the species on the solar system down to the cellular level."
"What's the most fun to be?" you ask.
Monster grins, and momentarily takes the form of the answer--a black crow.
"Sorry human." he says once he's back in his buff warrior form. "You guys are top thirty, though."
"Are crows really that fun?"
Absolutely. They're small, so the rest of the world looks big. They can see far, they can see wide. They can fly, and that's a big one, you got no idea how much the world opens up when you expand that z-axis. And they're smart! Really really smart! I get one to do my math homework for me. Literally works for peanuts. Anyway, let's see what you can do with the Mercury Toothpick! Give me three objects!"
"What kind of objects?"
"Any! Be spontaneous! The first thing that comes to your mind, do it!"
>Give me 3 objects and 3 1d20 rolls