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Hey folks. I've had a bit of Cyberpunk fever for a number of years, but with the new DLC for the 2077 game it's hitting with a heavy hand. Been wanting to do something like this for a while, and now I've got the energy push I need to do it. There's nothing much fancy going on here, if you know Cyberpunk then you know this setting. Only difference? We're sitting in the near past of Cyberpunk 2020, the TTRPG. Now don't worry about getting your Sourcebooks, I've got you plenty covered. Of course, feel free to crack them open for brownie points, but it's not super necessary. I'm playing fast and loose here, so don't worry about having to crunch down as hard on numbers when a Friday Night Firefight breaks out. Same goes with the lore, as far as I'm concerned the world is mine to mold the way I see fit, though I won't stretch it too much I promise. Anyways, no more delaying, let's get into it.
<span class="mu-s">2020.</span> The future is now. The world is big, corporations loom large, and everyone is out to get something.
But let's think small. One person, walking in the crowd. A nobody, a no one. For the moment at least.
That person is you, of course, but what kind of person are you?
Perhaps you're a
of a new stock. From a passing glance, you seem like something of a
>Rockerboy. (A musician of the people. You've got this Charismatic Leadership about you that makes crowds gather and riots break out.)
>Solo. (A strong freelance mercenary. You're a trained fighter that's got a Combat Sense faster than any normal Joe.)
>Netrunner. (The NEET of the retrofuture. You know the Net like an alcoholic knows the bottom of a bottle and you've got an Interface to use it like no one else can.)
>Techie. (Mechanic of many varieties. Cars, cybernetics, A/C units, if it's tech then you know how to Jury Rig it quick.)
>Medtech. (Just here to help. You obviously went to a (possibly legit) Medical Tech school, you're the one they crawl to after a fight.)
>Media. (Showbiz personified. People know your face, maybe even love seeing it, and they'll take your Credibility any day of the week.)
>Cop. (Law in a lawless place. The badge can be a powerful thing, and on occasion people have to abide by your Authority.)
>Corpo. (Another office rat. Can't blame you for picking desk life, solid pay and sometimes the corp even gives some Resources when you need it.)
>Fixer. (Engrained with the streets. The alleys know you and the slumfucks of the world are happy to get in on some Streetdeals with you.)
>Nomad. (Wildlife with wild rides. You're not from here, or anywhere really, but at least you've got a Family who's got you when it counts.)