The warbands of the Zar gather their treasures, slaves, provisions, & wounded, then board their ships. Though the Cataphracts are a bit apprehensive of sailing with Skin-Wolves...
The Zar's ships returned to anchor alongside his own vessel, having scoured the shores of the atoll for even so much as a raft. He stood staring at the dwellings atop the sea-cliffs, just close enough for the defenders to see their captive kin bound along the deck. His words were relayed once more by way of messages carried on black wings, decrepit elders released upon the beaches to return to their folk, & through the very dreams of the Melniboneans as he travelled beyond the waking world.
"Elfen-Men of these Isles, you have proven yourselves capable warriors & in the spirit of Khorne's Law, cost me a great deal in blood for the treasures I have taken from you. Yet to resist me further is pointless. I have burned your mighty navy at port & every seacraft along your coasts, destroyed your city, crushed your army, & enslaved half or more of your people. I now wield the black sword of your kings, Stormbringer, & have taken the Ruby Throne to be the seat of my own realm. We both worship the True Gods of Chaos, a testament to your wisdom, so I shall grant a great mercy by appealing to it. This isle will sink into the sea, as betold by the albino warrior who wielded this greatsword before me & led me to this forgotten place. Any who would fight under my banner, be they warrior, youth, or slave, or who would serve me as a smith, sailor, or sorcerer, may come & earn riches in the greater world, with a place to make homes anew within my lands for all of their folk. I am willing to return your kin by my goodwill & fair dealings. For those who will not pledge themselves to my service, there will be no escape from this doomed island, only a painful death in the darkness beneath the waves."
>(Convert Loot/Captive Melniboneans into Settlers, Found Melnibonean Settlement in the Wheatlands I can Recruit Melnibonean Units from later)The Zar awaited nightfall for those who would see reason to emerge from their holdfasts. In the morning, he would abandon the fools to their fates.
>(Sail for the Mammoth Herds of Norsca)