>>5535744>>5536177>>5536685"Well enough. Work's cut out for me." A bit cagey, but you can't really blame him. Taking an accelerated MBA right off of a degree is close to suicidal, and he has to keep up a stellar GPA to even attempt it. Prepared by Dad, Daryl traded inexperience for fighting cries of nepotism tooth and nail. On paper, he looks exactly like someone 'donated' into a high-end school, so he works furiously to disprove it. He's getting in somewhere, but he wants to be the best.
Even before you met Meryl, you tended to be pretty lucky in love, which helped you keep connected to friend groups. Temporary, not like your high school clan, but it wasn't nothing. Daryl never had anyone- probably why Mom thinks he might be in the closet. You had the thought yourself when girls made googly eyes at him and he ignored them.
<span class="mu-g">Get to relax any?</span> "Pennsylvania has some good rinks," he admits. Daryl likes ice skating on account on how he's able to control himself, and hockey and lacrosse on account of letting him vent. He spent too much time on work to be on a seasonal team, but he can literally skate circles around you. "Found a good year-round spot, and partners for pair skating." He sighs as he turns into the parking lot. "Too many bodies, not enough brains."
<span class="mu-g">So they're skating by on looks?</span> Daryl selects a spot to pull into, puts the car into park, and then slugs you. <span class="mu-g">Ow.</span> It doesn't really hurt, but it's the thought that counts. He's still smiling a bit, so you got through to him. Also, you slug him back.
After an embarrassingly long brotherly punching match, you bashfully enter the pizzeria. It's got an arcade, which is why Daryl has a nostalgic bent for it, but surprisingly, he doesn't go for a cabinet. He looks at the closest game, back at you, and then looks away. "You want to order, or you want me?" Sure enough, he stands by as you detail what you want. The two of you end up agreeing on the basic but effective pepperoni-mushroom-extra-cheese combination. Daryl isn't able to drink, but you are, so he goes to the soda fountain while you pick up a beer.
He comes back with diet cola and takes a sip. However, it's clear something is on his mind besides food. "You're getting married, huh?" he says quietly. <span class="mu-g">Yup.</span> His tongue is tied. For someone who wants to be a major industry player, Daryl's biggest problem is not being able to say the things he feels. Maybe it's because he doesn't want to be 'irrational'. He's been perfectly polite with Meryl, and seems to approve of the pairing. He manages to force something out. "Good luck."
>"'Too many bodies, not enough brains...' You sizing someone up?">"I'm short a best man..." who better than a brother?>"Did Dad tell you anything unusual about our family?" Fish out if he knows something on Yggdrasil.>Wait for him to speak. Imposing the conversation on him won't help.>[Tipsy] Hey, this beer is pretty good. You'll have another.>[Write-In]