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<span class="mu-s">THE STORY SO FAR:</span>
After being elected as chieftain and cementing your power, you led your army to victory against the nearby Garbol tribe, defeating them for good and making their stronghold yours, which you put Kebtol in charge of. You also looted a fine steel sword of human make, which you named Shmirgle, after the troll-riding goblin warlord of legend. You learned from the Garbol prisoners that the Yardak tribe, who they had been warring with, had managed to tame a troll and use it in battle. You had metal armour forged for the Lugbod army and formed an alliance with the Bagnar tribe of hill goblins, hiring them as mercenaries. After improvising some flaming arrows, you assaulted the Yardak stronghold with your army and allies and slew the troll yourself, earning the reputation of a troll slayer. You were badly injured by the troll, and took some months to recover. After studying the destroyed Yardak shaman's workshop, your shaman Hoknar has some ideas of how the Yardaks managed to tame the troll. With the help of some coal transported from the Yardak caves, the Lugbods survived the winter, and you had a stone wall built around the Lugbod stronghold. Your scouts reported that the Hagrot hill goblins were mustering their army, and you sent 75 Lugbod warriors under Zegbar's command to the Bagnar village to help defend it, for payment of course. It is now 18 months since you became chieftain, and you await news from the battle at the Bagnar village.