>>5352628For now, the elf leader smiles brightly, seeing the potential in this plan, and clasps your hand in her fine, soft one.
“Alright,” she says, “you have me.”
“Then you will march on the dwarves with me?” you ask.
Jazkarmel shrugs, and answers: “You will have ME, and some of my rangers—a dozen of my best. We will bring food to share…”
She pauses, her eyes glimmering with mischief.
“…And some wine.”
You remember well the drunkenness and hangover of your last experience with Drow-made blood-red mushroom-wine, and you gulp slightly, drawing a musical laugh from your opposite number. She pats you good-naturedly on the shoulder, and gives it a squeeze.
(These elves, always so… Touchy. Oluwadamilare is a lucky male.)
You depart Jazkarmel’s chamber. You have made good time in reaching and convincing the Drow leader of the value of your proposition, though she requests a week to prepare for the expedition. You can hardly begrudge her that—it’s what you were given, before you left the forward base. It also gives you time to reflect on how you will spend your remaining time here, in the Drow encampment, and what else you might do before your return to Bloodrise.
Your first priority is to…
>Pay Glowie a visit, to see how her metamorphosis progresses and whether she has yet laid your sons’ eggs>Debrief the Elf Specialist, and see what progress he has made in converting the locals to your True Faith>Meditate with Karz, the Dwarven Throat-singer, to see if you can unlock yet more mysteries of the moon-blade with his aid>Get your looted dwarven axe appraised by an elven mage, and perhaps trade for some other items>Write-in[Choose two at most, please.]