Quoted By:
It's a relief that you're not entirely the focus of attention then, however you still get your fair share of interest from other guests who either ask to sit at your table for a time or simply introduce themselves to be polite.
<span class="mu-s">"And who is this lovely young woman? Such an entrance!"</span>
<span class="mu-s">"We hadn't expected such a beauty this evening, if it had been known I am certain we would have a full house!"</span>
<span class="mu-g">"Our guest for tonight, and hopefully more!"</span>
<span class="mu-g">"Watch yourselves around her, we won't have you stealing away our little cat!"</span>
<span class="mu-s">"Well I would love to introduce her to my son, if she has the chance."</span>
As many feigned kisses to the cheeks and actual kisses to the hand as you receive from total strangers, you're glad to have Ryan and Robin to help you through it all. Already they seem aware of your... ahem, social shortfalls, so handle most everything for you. Between introductions and banter, to simply wiping your face of food or wine. You feel like a pet on display or something, being shown off for everyone to fawn over, but admittedly you enjoy being the center of attention for once. At least all the nice things being said such a warm welcome, leaves you feeling quite pleasant.
Or maybe that's just the wine getting to you, but either way, despite being a little embarrassed with it all it's still a good feeling and an unfamiliar one at that.
<span class="mu-s">"Oh darling, you are joining us in the theater after?"</span>
<span class="mu-s">"You simply must! Miss...?"</span>
<span class="mu-b">"Oh, uhh..."</span>
That's right, thus far you'd gone along with the borrowed identity of Leonard Kovacs, the man you stole the members card from. Not literally him, but assumedly someone in his family. Now that you're in the club though, uncertain yet if you could quality as a "member" yourself, you still have the chance to present yourself however you wish. Certainly it might be a wise consideration to at least distance yourself from Kovacs, considering you robbed and viciously assaulted him in order to be able to enter this place to begin with.
As well as that, Ryan and Robin have mentioned you getting your own card with membership, so they need to know how to identify you... it seems you got in here with Kovacs's card, but the staff are aware of your deception, yet seemingly don't mind?
>Miss Kovacs is fine, this is only supposed to be a temporary thing anyway.
>Miss Cross? You're not sure what the full deal with this place is, but from what you've experienced so far membership sounds great! And it's only your last name anyway.
>Miss... your mother's maiden name? Try to remain cautious, and while you wouldn't mind membership you'd prefer to offer as little of your identity as possible.
>Miss Stretch Goals! Well not literally that, but you're only here in the capacity as your supervillain self. So a secret persona to go along with it makes sense. (Specify?)
>A rueful write-in?