QM: ok, as mentioned, this turn Archonal Grid and IFA both get their long awaited ships, I think just looking here
>>5835822 (the third roll 92=62+30) will just about succeed, you can scan it and send it to Bellemek who will transfer the design back IFA /Samaya City Combine docks etc, so as promised here are some ship ideas. I have a folder of about 1000 starships lol but the main issue is not necessarily all of them look very good when they get squashed and horribly compressed by the virtual tabletop software argh. Anyway before I get back to the story scenario with Archonal Grid etc, let me show some proposed ship designs, if you have your own ideas or think mine are ugly lol please upload your own or alternatively just look at my ugly miniature but use your imagination to conceive of something prettier hehe