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Rats can't fly - as Circus demonstrates by hacking one off of a roof. But these <span class="mu-s">SLUGRATS</span> are far worse than their peers, something in those cursed leather mittens and overbearing focus on competent footwork coupled with an unerring decision to always, always, always just STAND THERE AND GUARD means they simply just... don't... go down!
RIV body-checks two, but they square off, plant their feet and throw him aside! Amicus lands a blow on one, twice, and he grunts and curses and bears it. Woozy. In pain. Heavily compromised by wounds but somehow still up!
( Then 4th Dusk steals the mittens off of his hands and he sort of takes that as permission to begin keeling over sideways from shock )
Good handle Maskmates, that runner was shouting for their local boss. Maybe he's in a cafe nearby, enjoying some vintage wine or some-such, and he hasn't heard the ruckus. If we can <span class="mu-s">KEEP THEM FROM RUNNING OFF</span> like that, shooting and hollering, we have to deal with so much less of them in the long run!
Tier and Butcher tag-team a trio and then the shadows above ... darken...
okay fine Butcher that was pretty good but it's .. It's just punching, okay? It's not even stylish. There's nothing about that technically impressive right hook that was actually impressive.
Now you see Leone? He spin-kicked off of a building and unto someone's head then stepped off of it to to move further ! That's marvelous!