>TOADY Bo3 : 1, 88>MO AO : 1 , 16>BIGG BUGG : 96, 92"<span class="mu-g">Cockupine! I needz yer ter GRABBIT while I'z FLANKKITT!</span>"
>Mo Ao's nat 1Your plan is GUDD. If everwun lissened to YOU everfin would be FINE.
But <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-g">noooo</span></span>. Moar Oww chooses this exact moment to lose his temper. You didn't even know he had one.
•<span class="mu-i">Not enough that you keep me in a pocket dimension without light or time when I am not needed, or treat me as an oracle bauble when you get an itch, will you now command me as my Lord Himself? Green vermin.</span>•
>YOUR nat 1His old wummunish tone of voice in turn gets you started. Like he has any place to boss you!
"<span class="mu-g"> Ey! Fugg YOU, baggy bone bich! I'z Seafood's Disspl! He teach me killykilly n zappyzaps! YEZ got killt by Sordyfagg n Stumpy! <span class="mu-i">I</span>'z got yez bones back! Yez owes me, bich! Venn <span class="mu-s">I</span>'z killt DEMM wot killt YOU! Dat makes you muh dubbl DUBBL bich! Venn <span class="mu-s">I</span>'z beatz YOU, fairies queer! Dat means you muh TRIPPL FOUR-PL BICH, Cockupine!</span>"
Just this exchange is enough for the Bigg Bugg to get you both.
>Bigg Bugg has Compound Eyes, +8 Hit Chance>Uses Caliper Mandibles on Mo Ao>8dmg>Mo Ao has 31HP left and is now GRAPPLED and PINNED>The momentum partially Crushes you>3direct damage>Toady 10/16 HP, 8/8Dur, and is PINNEDNext turn Bigg Bugg will maintain Grapple on Moar Oww, and will attempt another attack.
>Swigg helff glugg!>Wriggle n break the pin!>{SNAPTRAP}! Give it something else to worry about!>This will only work if you don't take damage next turn[ROLL]
>2D100, 2def only>>6114397>>6114322>>6114313>>6114292>>6114290