Quoted By:
Stunned by the abruptness of the topic, you take a second to gather yourself. Then, steeling your gaze and forcing down your swelling emotions, you reply, “The evils of slavery, that a child can be posed like a doll, stripped of dignity and protection by a giant slug, paraded and made an active participant in their own degradation or ignored to waste and freeze like some forgotten toy. There is one thing I want you to capture in the Holofilm, is the hopelessness of my people. We are true slaves, we are born, live and die in those caves never seeing or feeling the warm of our star. It is the only life we know, suffering. Our work destroys our bodies and steals decades of our lives. Did you know we should have one hundred and twenty years of life, like the standard human? I do not know any of my kin to have reached forty.”
The man whose name you have yet to catch nods, and begins to write on his datapad with a black stylus covered in ornate gold decorative patterns displaying a blank human face at the tip.
“We crawl through narrow passageways like worms through muck. Those that reach adulthood grow deformed and weak.” Your voice grows ever louder as your emotions become unchecked and your control unravels. “The caverns we call home collapse in on us, crushing our bodies or trapping us in prisons of endless night where we can only escape through death. Or we hit a pocket of gas that burns our skin and eats at our lungs, reducing them to acidic pools of blood. And the Hutts and their cronies enjoy it, they could give us better equipment and treatment, which would help us become more efficient, but they don’t. They love our debasement and degeneration into mere beasts.”
“Don’t worry son,” the human replies, “Our goal is to portray the situation as it truly is. We do not want our message to be muted. We want people to watch the film and cry out, we need to help those people, we need the Republic or Jedi to do something no matter where these crimes are located. It won’t be another droll action movie to further glorify the Jedi, you can trust me with that. The Force knows there’s enough of them circling the Holonet. We need public opinion or outrage to spur the Jedi and Republic into action. The Hutts and their moralless empire needs to die; it is a blight on existence, with the cruellest of crimes being commonplace.”