Rolled 8, 44 = 52 (2d90)
It's a curious contest indeed when one contestant al-but-refuses to drink and the other conspicuously cannot handle her alcohol. It seems almost 3 out of every 4 voters agrees, though: if Muna DID drink against Rika, she'd easily outpace her! We tried to reach Rika for comment on this slanderous accusation, but, well...
>>6023057...Let's let the little Ling rest, huh?
Meanwhile, Ano and Blair are a bit closer, if only because it seems most of the voters (sex-anon aside, who is starngely absent) cannot imagine hooting or holelring at eitehr of them. Frankly, I understand: I wouldn't woop and wofl-whistle at my commander! She's led a mercenary company for five years, and therefore could totally crush me into the dust with her high heels and...
Okay, I think I see why the Countess is leading 13-to-10. With Chaya declining to offer her e-girl expertise, and Ano's own 'support staff' expressing such discomfort in teaching her to do anything more than jungle-gym acrobatics better suited to another sort of competition altogether, I'm afraid the one with the canonical Charm stat has it!
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)and
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)win, and <span class="mu-s">Muna</span> becomes our second potential Queen to achieve 5 victories, joining Huanliuxue at the head of the pack!