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If the Emissary of Qarthadast is cowed by the sight of the gruesome demise of the conspirator soldier Thrax, he gives no indication of it behind his iron mask. Instead, Hasdrubal hisses a question of his own - yet you think that because he bargains, he has been reduced to weakness:
-I know what you are, sahir... The ancients of Qarthadast thought we had destroyed the last of you long ago. It must have taken great cunning, to have outlived all those dead and gone -
QM: a weird idea I had (no need for you to accept this, it can work either way)
>The Legate is actually possessed by some psychic force. What other people see as his spies - the Frumentarii are in fact psychic premonitions and manifestations of his mind. That is how he knows all their innermost hidden secrets, blackmail...
>The spies are real, Hasdrubal is just goading him by calling him a demon etc