>>5820954>>5820956First, you decide to go talk to Wife. With all of the strange things going on in the past few days, it only feels right. You find her in her usual spot.
"Hey, Husband." She greets.
You ask her what she thought about the recent goings on.
"I don't know... I feel kinda bad for The Adversary, even the boy is a bit of a failure. Not sure why he cares so much about that mortal girl though."
You ask her what she thinks about Kritla's fate.
"He deserved everything he got. What a loser he was. Him and that Fidor."
You ask her why people have blue and red souls like her.
"Everyone does. Blue and red are our colors. The universe is binary. One and zero, red and blue, light and dark, dead and alive... it's how it's always been.
The red part contains all the negative parts of the soul. Hatred, anger, sadness, arrogance, etc. While the blue part contains all the positive parts of the soul. Happiness, joy, righteousness, creativity, etc. Whichever part is stronger affects the holder of the soul. So obviously Kritla leaned more to the red side than the blue side"