>>5539048>>5538829>>5538495>>5538490“Thanks, pal.” You smile grimly behind your visor, “Watch the recoil on that thing, you hear.” You elbow the SMG at his side, “No friendly fire this time.”
“It was one time…” he snorts, shaking his head. “in a simulation no less.” He nimbly takes his position, joining the other two officers stacked up by the open hatch.
“We’re going with Lieutenant La’afette's plan.” You command, slipping into your well practised “Captain’s voice” as you decide on a course of action.
“By my count, there’s six active hostiles, two large, four small. Two friendlies on our left under fire. Copy?”
“Copy.” Your crew reply in unison, tense but ready.
“We’ll use the distraction provided by the remaining security to take up positions in cover. Skyeskal and I will take the crates at 2 and 10 o’clock respectively.” You crouch by the hatch and point out the cover in question with one arm, balancing your SMG in the other. “Clifton and
La’afette will break right and secure the stacked spools of wire. We fire only if engaged or on my signal. Confirm?”
They confirm, making last minute adjustments to their equipment. Cleo especially looks ready and raring to go, bracing her shield like a battering ram. Meanwhile Coen’s eyes take on a faraway look, expression vacant. Kiro just bounces slightly on the balls of his feet, vibrating with nervous energy.
<span class="mu-b">Due to your Leadership skill, each of your bridge crew will do their best to follow your plan. They are granted one re-roll to help them in the battle to come. This does not apply to yourself but you can issue additional orders to refresh used individual re-rolls by forfeiting your other actions.</span>
“Any final questions?” You ask.
>Now is your chance to change up any of the plan now that you can see the battlefield. Write in.Battle will then commence
after QM has a nap, its after 1am here..
I will run this combat loosely based on a turn system, but will keep the actual decision making on (you)r part light, as requested. I’ll mostly just call for votes to determine direction of combat, and rolls to determine outcomes like shooting.