Quoted By:
<span class="mu-s">"..."
"I see, for the last time, the golden branch that is the purest."</span>
<span class="mu-i">Ripped from the beyond the Void, or perhaps sent from beyond it, past Ma, past the Calabi-Yau, and into the Milky Way. A shard. A pinch of Chaos itself, in crystal form. Though it is hard to imagine condensing the engine of emanation into such a state, except only by itself therein.</span>
<span class="mu-s">"Well, I have done my part. My son, my precious boy... be safe wherever you go and whatever you do. I am unsure what NEGAI, our wish, has in store for you. But I will believe in him. I will believe you are in good hands, my sprightly Hale. Carry on my brilliance and legacy for me."</span>
<span class="mu-s">"Oh... NEGAI, I don't know where the egg went. I hope it was not misplaced. I did what you told me, the Zohar granted that much. I hope if my creations were to ever meet each other, they'd find common grounds..."
"It's choking me, this creeping black. Like smoke, filling my lungs. I feel it, Death. My body is giving away, as much as I try to face it with a chin held high. It scares me. He's screaming, screaming into my ears. Clay bastard."</span>