>>5854340After getting his affairs in order, Alan visits the safehouse, knocks on the door and pops his head into Claire's paperwork-filled room.
"Hey Claire remember all the money we got from the back job? Well I spent a bunch of it on stupid shit."
He lifts up a keychain while standing on the doorway before casually throwing it at her desk.
"I know the gan's cash pool just got a one and a half mil cut from the heist but maybe you can find some use for the old stuff. The one with a pink piece of tape is for a coup bravado, I parked it in one of the warehouses and the one with the green tape is for a studio apartment out at 147 Princeton. You know the one apartment building just a couple blocks off Mi Hungi's place? Might not be the best safehouse since so many crew members live around there but I think I've been pretty discreet and maybe you can find a use for it."
He smiles, one of the first genuine and relaxed smiles he's ever given since joining the gang as he looks at Claire, he thought she was so responsible and so driven. Carrying the gang forward almost by her lonesome on small-looking shoulders.
"Anyway if you need any help in fieldwork, I'm not the smartest but I can do legwork well enough. I'll be around the safehouse making crepes though, I'll bring you some later. I'll be making both sweet and savory though since I'm probably gonna make a bunch of them for the meeting tomorrow so I'll ask you which ones you want once I finish the first batches."
Alan moves to walk away before hesitating. "Also thanks, for all the work you've done Claire. It hasn't always been the smoothest sailing but it could have been much worse." He says before moving to the kitchen.