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Nation name: The Arcane Corporation
Race/races: Mostly humans
The existence of polytheistic gods is recognized but they specifically worship Poloutus and Taish, Gods of Prosperity and Fortune respectively. Magic is perceived as a natural force of nature and rather than worship it, they venerate the "Saints" of magic, ancient and powerful wizards such as Marley and Morgaine.
Corporates believe that every soul goes to the god and the afterlife and religion they adhere too. Through the worship of Poloutus and Taish and by burying their bodies upon death in elaborate gilded manors rich with magical artefacts, runic wards and ostentatious displays of wealth, their souls will arrive with their belongings to the other side of the 'veil'. This they have supposedly confirmed via Necromancy. Ergo it is the goal of the wizard to amass wealth and magic in this life to ensure a comfortable position in the next.
Magical Corporatocracy. Everyone from the CEO to the lowliest janitor is considered both customer and employee from the moment of birth, each assigned a company number. Individual and mutual prosperity is considered a virtue and of religious importance.
Claiming descent from a larger organization, the Arcane Corporation sends out various 'branch' divisions onto various worlds in order to establish business, with the end goal of eventually creating gateways to link to the larger enterprise. However, until such a point, each branch is expected to fend for themselves, proving their own 'self sustainability and profitability'. Many branches never reconnect, but it is the hope and aspirations of all to do so one day. The Corporation believes the traditional approach to magic, that of mere scholars and researchers, woefully flawed and inefficient. Magic itself is of course, a transaction. The exchange of souls, the usage of precise reagents and materials, spells requiring diamonds that have a GP value, and most of all the fact that magical equipment invariably has high material costs is living proof that magic itself is inherently best approached as a business venture.
The Arcane Corporation specializes itself around enchantments and evocation magics, bringing to life and animating objects to do their bidding while also enhancing them as magical conduits to channel etheric energies. Magic is considered vital to all facets of life, and direct physical labour is disdained as primitive. Far better to enchant a broom to sweep the floor for you than muckle about doing it by hand.
Starting spot: (draw it on the map)
(Reposting for fixed map - it's the western one not the center)