Quoted By:
HP: 100/100
DC1: 15 (14-CLOSE FAIL)
DC2: 10 (19-HIGH PASS)
“Engage! Engage!”
As you maneuver your craft into a firing position, you realize that your team wasn’t in a fantastic position. The entity had manifested far too close for comfort, and the narrow street afforded little room for maneuvering. The only thing that would get them through this would be firepower – and firepower alone.
Fortunately, firepower was something that your team had brought in ample supply. Flocks of thin tracers flash through the mist as QRF-15 begins peppering the approaching congregation with assorted small arms fire. A moment later, Popov's IFV tracks its turret to join the fusilade. A glowing chain of 20mm cannon rounds rip down the alleyway, scoring a series of solid hits against the entity.
HP: 44/50
The response is instantaneous. The viscous seep of honeyed unlight. A fuzzy burst of static over the comms that almost blocks out Carter’s panicked warning.
“Scatter! Scatter now, damn it!”
A familiar flash. You hear a confused gasp followed by agonized screaming. One of the indicators on your HUD blinks open-yellow, indicating a potential casualty.
“Still alive. Torez lost his entire right arm, and a good chunk of his shoulder looks… not so good. Damn thing just erased a solid chunk of road we were standing on! Our rifles are doing jack shit. Hit it with something heavy, Seraph!”
After stitching a few autocannon rounds into the shambling figures screening the entity, you manage to acquiring a solid lock on the entity. You unshackle an AGS-14 missile and squeeze the firing stud.
Traveling on a short, clinical arc, the missile impacts your target with a gratifyingly large explosion that obscures your view with red-shot shrapnel and billowing smoke. The entity…spasms…for a moment before limping forward to vomiting a fibrous stream of material onto the ground. While its biology was clearly unnatural, it was obvious that you had just hurt it. Badly.
HP: 6/50
And the entity knew it too. It turns its attention to the sky, tracking your craft with a degree of precision that you find distinctly disquieting. Your disquiet transforms into abject concern as it begins to gesture with its remaining hand.
Unlight creeps through your monitor. Your comm link breaks into static. You smell something through your rebreather: a sharp, lytic tang of fresh ozone and burnt hair…
>EVADE. Set the throttle to max and dodge whatever is coming! The ground team can finish the entity off.
>ENGAGE. Get their first! Kill the thing before it can attack you. [If you select this option, STATE WHICH WEAPON you wish to use]