Quoted By:
>C-ORA: Search Protocol (The Father)
"Ahaha. Ha. Ha?" Okay, this isn't the kind of laughter you expected. The normally jovial and slightly (VERY) schizophrenic analyzer just stares at you with a cold, dead look of utter...it's hard to describe it. It's like a mixture of confusion, apathy, and disgust.
"Look at who's being philosophicaAL. FuinNY." C-0RA quickly snaps back to her regular "uncomfortably happy" smile. "UnuUSAL energy noT found in others locateD: Arthur Smith, Hope for a Better Future, BLESSED BLADE, SPEAR OF JUDGEMENT."
That didn't really answer your question, you know those have weird anomalous effects. "Is that all you can say?"
"I'm not the firsT not the Last tasked to find hIM. EvEr tried to FIND the beach thousands of GRAINS of sand came from?" C-0RA tilts her head. "Have you? But...3555 MILES NORTH TO THE CITY LIMITS. THEN 2555 MILES EAST. THERE IS SOMETHING IN THERE. AN EMPTY PHONE BOOTH, SO BRIGHT SO BRIGHT SO BR-"
"That's all I know, sir!" You slowly look over at S-4M. Honestly, you relate pretty hard to the look of utter bewilderment, shock, and concern plastered on his face.
"Sir, can you give me a task so I can forget that." His tone of voice always have a jovial, upbeat tone, even when it's painfully forced. You kinda respect and pity that at the same time.
>S-4M: Anomaly Analyzation (The Crosstest)
"Analyze the crosstest between Future and Sirocco." You spit out. The AI quickly nods as hard as he can, as much as a somewhat static image on your screen can do. "Alright, thank you! Will do, three hours! Have fun with your other assistant! I'm going to do...that. And other stuff."
"What's his issue?" C-0RA obliviously giggles to herself. You half-chuckle in response, ready to move on from what just happened. 3555 and 2555 miles, though...that can't be right, can it? <span class="mu-b">Somehow you feel she wasn't making up the distance here.</span>
>Have an apathetic employee interrogate the living bodybag
D-C45P (emotionless and deadened anomaly fetishist) and Q2 (big bulky drone manager) enter the storage room where you have the mystery man locked up. You're honestly not sure if you should even be doing this...
[BOUND BY DUTY] A man should have his last words before he dies. We should give him that much.
Q2 opens up the bag and rips out the gag from the man (you can't describe him as anything else, he's the most generic man you've seen in a while). The man's breathing is incredibly quick and swallow.
"please let me go. please, please, please!"
"Answer and maybe we will. Pinkie promise. Stab my eye out if you feel I betrayed you."
The man's eyes dart between the two. "I'm, I'm, I'm John Doe! No, wait, I'm John Doe! No, that's not...that's not..."