>>5433163“This battle is for the fate of the entire universe.” Captain Ginyu answers, you sensing his resolve through the connection. “If we fail here, if Freeza remains under that wizard's control, the-”
But then you lose the rest of what he's saying, as an absolutely massive, unfamiliar energy suddenly APPEARS beside your father's ki. It feels <span class="mu-i">wrong</span>, not much stronger than you on the surface but you can't sense a bottom to this energy. It feels limitless, like an infinite well of power. And then you realize what has probably happened: Majin Buu has been revived!
“It's too late, Majin Buu has been revived.” you tell him, but to your surprise don't feel fear radiating through the mental link. Instead his resolve hardens even more, but beneath that you think you glimpse...Excitement?
“Lord Cooler, I must request you bring me to that monster immediately.” Captain Ginyu says, tone shifting to one of absolute seriousness. “Right now. We cannot delay.”
“There's no use in fighting, we can't win.” you answer, raising your right hand to your forehead to use your own Instant Transmission. Searching for another planet to teleport to. However, you realize that you can also sense Captain Ginyu's ki through the telepathic link, instead of how you'd search normally. Interesting, so that's how he does it. “Majin Buu is unstoppable, father told me himself.”
“His body may truly be invincible, but I have to fulfill my promise to your father.” he answers, drawing your attention. “One I made him long before you were born.”
“My father....” you think, realizing you're about to get an answer you've been wondering your entire life. Why was Ginyu, a body snatcher, so devoted to your family? Why did he never take Father's body, and rule in his place? It's what you'd have done, in his position.
“When we first met, I took your father's body.” Ginyu tells you as you focus on his ki, shutting your eyes to focus better. “But for its return he made me a promise. One I intend to have him, by you, keep.”
You then appear beside the Ginyu Force, seeing that even their armors have been repaired. Somehow. Questions for later, you have a more important one first.
“What was the promise?” you ask aloud, looking into Captain Ginyu's eyes.
“That if I gave him his body back, he would give me my shot at taking the strongest body in the universe one day.” Captain Ginyu says completely seriously. “One capable of taking on the gods themselves, even the late Grand Supreme Kai himself. The one who battled that accursed world-eater Moro and emerged triumphant. I wouldn't miss this chance for anything.”
-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 183 Epilogue II End-