>>610952714 minutes too late, <span class="mu-i">demolitionist</span>. You're off on your own, wandering in the desert, no backup, no map, no canteen, no nothin'
Them's the breaks.
<span class="mu-s">Marching Orders</span>
So, here's the map - no big wrackstorm lately, so ain't nothing shifted too much and the readings look somewhat stable so everything should be mostly where you hope it is.
What you are going to do is this:
You are going to pick a destination and make your way there. That's a test of your most applicable skill <span class="mu-s">and</span> our company Logitics.
You are going to nominate someone to <span class="mu-s">take point</span>, either yourself, brave and bold, or any of the troopers who - well - fair bit less likely to fall into an ambush. You might want someone with good SPEED? Keen SENSES?
You are going to suggest a <span class="mu-s">rough</span> marching order for the banners. Maybe you want all the guns up front, or you want all the blades close to hand.
It looks like this:
>Navigate to Rallypoint Midnight Blue (Navigate 12, Logistics 12, I roll 6d6)>I think the Reckless Ashfingers can take point, they're twitchy>I'd like us to be defensive - can we get the spears on the perimeters and the archers bundled near the middle of the column?--
Once you all organise your maps, hash it and the wind as its say, we'll see where we end up. Yeah, this means you might all submit plans and who knows which one takes precedence. It might also mean you hear some good words from some clever soul and decide to go with <span class="mu-i">that</span>, which ought to be a treat.
Recruits <span class="mu-s">Edward, Scarlett, Zhivka and Jove</span> needn't worry about THIS part, because Scarlett and Zhivka are off on their lonesome who even knows where, Edward took off with half our pay-chest towards that village an hour and Jove is <span class="mu-s">completely bloody lost</span>.
Scarlett and Zhivka can finish up their plans for the village.
Edward might want to make a Navigation test.
Jove . . . You should pray.
Why in name of all the high heavens didn't you at least pick a map before you done a-wandering straight off in a random direction?
Maybe if you have enough FOCUS you'll find your way back around - you should probably test that, and anything else that comes to mind.