>>5564059"So... what now, you were in double jail so... do you just go back... normal jail? Do you get parole?"
The man shrugs. "That's not my call sadly, I am a prisoner after all, I am beholden to the government for now."
"...So... where did you get the suit?"
K smiles.
You wander through the halls down some of the side passages... its not honestly that far to walk, but eventually you find a closet, and past the closet... a circle.
There are pillars surrounding the gate, filled with... well actually filled with air probbably? Or maybe a vacuum, they seem empty.
"So... what is this?" You stare at a panel in front of you, something with no buttons or switches. "Some sort of a hanger?"
You rest your hand atop it and things whir... you feel a bit of drain as the pillars start to fill lights start to flash and....
You yank your hand off. Nope! Not today! It's been hard enough!
"Oh!" Mimikyu bounces beside you. "Its a Griseous Machine!" He walks forward excitedly. "I haven't seen these in a long time! They manipulate ghost energy!"
"Like... some sort of instant haunting?" Koshmar strokes his chin... "With something like this you could break out of the prison whenever you wanted with enough juice..."
You look around, at how big and expensive this whole facility is... seemingly placed right under the prison's nose... "Or... let someone in..."