>>5258008Major artifact: an artifact belonging to a god or created personally by a god. The description of the item will be revealed in Turn 14.
Roll 1d15
1: Ivory Dice of Kek
2: Unearthly Grimoire of Shi
>>52126633: Hourglass of Shong
>>52129594: Divination Pearl of Oceanus
>>52127635: Pendant of Alcmo
>>52127396: Thyp'ptyklpt's Necronomicon
>>52128257: Chitineous Armor of Yrsiil
>>52128228: Rotten Apple of Shade of Apophis
>>52127779: Fire Gauntlet of Eremog
>>521292010: Staff of Monkie
>>521286411: Lamassu of Shaiun
>>524908412: Infected Box of Defecato
>>524909913: Wave Gun of Fa'Q
>>525035214: Box of Ren
>>525035415: Inexhaustible Bordeaux of Winero