>>5635689The implication was it made your people happier/more free or helped with budgetary concerns. I get how the "yet to be revealed" bit at the end may have confused that. The "humble the nobility" is a separate bit that directly lowered your standing with the aristocrats because they only care about the nobility in a society- your average citizens are just as cultured as before as after.
>>5635726>I'd recommend something like what StV has.I don't know what this means. I'd prefer a direct explanation over a vague referral. I'm not going archive digging for some vague rule, no offense to StV's QM.
>>5635727I do wish people would stop repeating and taking that quote out of context. The implication was moreso that as technology progresses, tyranny becomes easier, and due to risk management and the concentration of power, societies will inevitably become more tyrannical. The ugly truth of the ________ is one of the most deep rooted themes of this quest, at least IMO.
>>5636263>This looks more like a small group of elderly Hegemony officials chasing revenge as private citizens.That's exactly what it is. Look who did it.
>Why haven't we seen more of those hostile shadowy alien creatures that alledgedly tended to gather around resource rich planets?The liminals? They are dealt with in quarantine. Fun fact; one of the budget cut options dealt in a chance to have something bad happen if you lower security. The "chance" would be for a liminal outbreak to attack several stations and shipyards after the Hegemonic security forces didn't keep on top of it for a while.