Quoted By:
“Some kind of… a fungus maybe? Doesn’t look too natural to me; the stuff moves like its breathing. Take a look, Seraph.”
He pushes a grainy video feed to your HUD. Just as he describes, the ground seems to be covered by darkly mottled growths that cluster in ropey patches. As the camera tilts upwards, you notice that the patches seem to emanate from the delipidated ranch-house. Popov notices too, reaching the natural conclusion a moment before you do.
“It appears to be coming from the house. Perhaps we should take a closer look?”
>Bypass the ranch-house and proceed to the AO. You’re on a limited time (and ammo) budget, and you have no particular interest in creating new problems. The mission is to rescue the recon team – and you plan to do that ASAP.
>Enter the ranch-house and take a quick look. A brief, 10 minute diversion is reasonable given how little information you have. If you’re careful, you might be able to learn more about the occluded area – and what might await you once you reach the town proper.