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You're not shocked he had someone before but you doubt it's just a former Cleaner + Handler relationship given how hesitant he is to talk about it.
"So, let's cut to the chase. Pick one."
>[ANOMALOUS] "To put it shortly, a highly important corporate figure died while being transported through a Y-Corp portal. Here's the big issue though: That shouldn't be possible. Portal travel is near instant and there's no visible wounds on them. Head to Y-Corp and figure out how and why that happened." REWARD: $1375, +FAVOR WITH Y-CORP, you'll be granted limited access to very potent portal tech to help you and your allies in the future. RISK LEVEL: CHALLENGING
>[ANOMALOUS] "We got reports of a certain anomaly that's been terrorizing District 14. Some sort of big crash test dummy thing called APEX PREDATOR? Whatever it is, it's been killing a lot of people. Recontain or weaken it enough for the ETF to get." REWARD: $1452, +FAVOR WITH P-CORP, 6 A-ENERGY PACKETS AND 1 C-EXTRACT. RISK LEVEL: HIGH. Regardless of who you pick, Benjamin and Max will offer you intel to help you on this mission.
>"You're staying in your district this time around. Someone, or something, has been ravaging the highways throughout G-Corp's district and a lot of truckers are going missing too. Find out who did it and stop them. Now." REWARD: $1000, +2 FAVORS with G-CORP and the WORKING CLASS, you'll be given an unmarked truck for personal use to make future exploration/travel easier. RISK LEVEL: MODERATE
>"I-Company has been struggling to find resources to operate their Singularity. No, I don't know what it is, but they've been badgering me to help out or they'll cut me off. I know of a part of their District that might still have some resources. Explore and recover any and all resources you can find." REWARD: $950, +FAVOR WITH I-COMPANY, I-Company will provide you with a free apartment in their District if you ever need a place to hide out at. RISK LEVEL: MEDIUM-HIGH
>"Want to commit incredible levels of hyperviolence? I know you do, you sick bitch! You sick fucking bastard! I got a corporate elite I want you to hunt down and do unspeakable things to! DO WHAT COMES NATURAL!!!" REWARD: $2750, improved relationship with your Handler and the Huxleys, +1 max VIOLENCE and TALENT to all allies who go on this mission. RISK LEVEL: VERY HIGH.
>"Things have been hectic and it's been hard to get a calm mission but you might need it. Might not pay well but look, man, shit's been rough. C-Company needs a guard for one of their establishments. Keep an eye on everything, it'll be fine. May or may not be haunted!" REWARD: $600, improved relationships with C-Company, +1 MAX RESTRAINT to you and all allies who join you this mission. RISK LEVEL: LOW-MEDIUM