>>5818689>>5818701>>5818822You can operate at the cantina (the ship is docked there). Just assume that there is some cyberninja lurking around in disguise. Maybe the cantina serves sushi, sliced by suspiciously sharp knives!
Asset: rolled 58 (41-60 INDUSTRY Assets)
18 Shipping Combine
This actually makes sense, I will invoke all the neon-drenched Hong Kong Bladerunner Neuromancer Chiba City / Tokyo Bay vaguely Asian cyberpunk look stereotypes hehe. Perhaps it is where Lady Mariko obtained her wealth from originally?
>BUILD 17 Strike Fleet asset to protect our homeworldrolled 16 +4 =20% complete (roll under this next time to progress)
So I think there are two ways to do this. You can absolutely build a strike fleet outright, it will look very militaristic and intimidating, and likely incur A LOT of attention... However a faster way might be to attempt to discreetly convert your existing asset (Shipping Combine) into a Strike Fleet. They will not be as fully effective as built corvettes and frigates and destroyers and things, but it will be a lot faster to convert them - all you need is to find some weapons and mount them onto your existing mercantile fleet. Now where might you find someone who knows about restricted cargoes?
>(progress 20%) just build an actual strike fleet. If anyone questions it... well, you have cyberninjas... >(expedite construction) attempt to arm and convert your existing asset Shipping Combine into a Strike Fleet (I will probably call this Auxiliary Cruisers or Armed Merchant Cruisers). You just need to find some naval weapons, even plans or blueprints would do... if only there were some cargoes of defense subsystems lying around somewhere. But they would likely be heavily guarded...>attempt to negotiate and buy outright some ship defense systems (roll 1d100)>Trip names for factionsQM: yes please, everyone can either invent NPC names for themselves (if you think mine are too cringe lol) or use their faction names, it will help me scan throught the replies faster! Thank you!