Quoted By:
I lied btw
You rev up the engine, a grin forming in your face at how at ease you felt after the small warm up.
"Feel free to count down, Since you are losing the bet and all."
"Oh haha! Well if you say so. 3. 2.... 1... GO!"
Your air bike makes a roar as you hit the gas, rushing through the obstacle course, wind wheezing past you as you make the turns as if you had practiced the course a few times, bypassing obstacles and finally managing to cross the finish line.
"Whats the time Bulma~" You grin a cheeky grin ready to eat some shit, well. From someone that could maybe beat your time that is. Not the gaping heir.
"1...10 minutes...20 seconds..."
"Dang Thats a big gap! Maybe I should get two favors!"
"Are you some kind of professional stunt driver?! Making fun of me?!"
"Im a little squirt, you know that isn't possibly true." Your grin was so smug it could rival vegeta on namek, not that you would know right now.
Inwardly you were thanking your dad for passing his racing genes apparently.
"I can't believe this!"
"Now now kiddos calm down. And by kiddos I mean you bulma."
"Excellent driving from the both of you. Feel free to do some more laps. I will be changing the difficulty a few times, so try to stop racing as we do not want any accidents alright?"
"Yes sir!"
"Ok dad."
She threw a capsule at you.
"That jacket you wanted"
Hell yeah!
You put on the capsule corp biker jacket, it was a bigger,.. but youll grow into it!
Bulma seemed a mixture of annoyed, angry and dissapointed as she got back on her bike.
<span class="mu-r"> Keep being smug </span>
<span class="mu-b"> Try to stop being smug </span>
<span class="mu-g"> Eh, let her be. </span>