Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">”Oh Kima... I hope you didn't think I forgot you. Are you alright?”</span>
<span class="mu-b">”Yes, Father. I just couldn't believe what I was hearing- and I thought contacting you personally would be a better option...”</span>
<span class="mu-r">”Perhaps it was. I'm just glad you're alright- just think, my child fighting traitors and spies!”</span>
<span class="mu-b">”Would you... have wanted me to fight them?”</span>
<span class="mu-r">”Oh good lord no, sweetheart. Don't even joke about that. If even a single hair on your head got hurt... wait, did you shave your mane?!”</span>
Well, it looks like because of your actions; you caught the spies and foiled the plot of alien spies against the Hegemony. However, you don't think you've gained any “respect” for reporting in these dissidents- you're still underneath your father's shadow. He still considers you just a child, not a fully fledged, professional woman who could rule the Hegemony some day... but you guess you shouldn't be too picky.
Soon later, you arrive to meet with the Blonde Spymaster.
“Are you sure you're ready for this after the big scare today? If you need some time first-”
<span class="mu-b">”No Mam. I am ready.”</span>
“Well, that's good. That means I don't need to reschedule this...”
She looks over her phone, giving you a polite smile.
“I've looked over Mitel's weekly reports. No mention of being followed, or of you- by name or description. I think you've passed that part of the test.”
<span class="mu-b">”That part?”</span>
“Mhmm. I only told you to follow him for a week to get to know him. He's here now. Don't worry- this is one way glass.”
She opens a screen to reveal a glass chamber- with Mitel standing within looking bored. Next to him is a locked case with one of those Enforcer guns...
“This is the real reason I told you to follow Mitel. This is your lesson; and your test. You need to know the value of a life. Mitel's life is well documented- predictable. He's of a very common social class- there are millions of Enforcers just like him. Almost all of them have wives and families. Almost all of them live in nice houses. He's a little past his mental and physical peak- still very effective and strong, but he's not going to be breaking any athletic records past this point, nor inventing some great technology. The average Jaxtian never will- that is the business of Supreme Rulers. The AI algorithm has already predicted everything he can and will achieve in his life- his contributions to the Hegemony. His work, his impact in his community, in the life of his wife and three children. It can already predict exactly how many sick days he'll take, the number of resources he will consume, when he will ask for retirement- everything. Has anything I said sound wrong to you?”