Quoted By:
>Wyrd: 21/34
Back in the cockpit, you barely have time to get comfortable in the seat before the comm console lights up with yet another incoming hail. This time you don't answer immediately, taking the time to identify the source. A voidcraft, identifying itself as the <span class="mu-i">Astral Thorn</span>.
Which turns out to be not what you expected at all. You don't recognize the profile or drive signature at a glance, but you are without a doubt looking at a military frigate of some kind.
Troublesome. And certainly with far better acceleration than the junkheap you're currently flying. You were really hoping for an up-armored pleasure yacht at most. The one point of solace is that the craft is still crawling through Barter's parking sphere. But being able to outrun it through mundane means is certainly out of the question. With a sigh, you accept the hail.
<span class="mu-i">"You did not win that ship in a game of dice,"</span> Shanaia accuses before you can even say anything.
"How can you be certain of that, Marchioness?" you lean back in the chair with a smile. "After all, I had quite the lucky streak
There is a brief silence on the other end.
<span class="mu-i">"I will admit Ms Blavis, I have erred in how I approached you,"</span> the Noble says finally. <span class="mu-i">"And I have severely underestimated you and your capabilities. Be assured that I will not do so again."</span>
The comingling of compliment and threat is of course intentional. As is the complete lack of an actual apology.
>You will have to negotiate. The journal of Maia Taris detailing her time within the Shattered Expanse - in return for being able to leave the system. You were planning to retrieve the damned thing for your own use anyway.
>You will have to show the Marchioness that you are a threat even across the void of space - and that she should really keep her distance (Vis Drain her frigate: 15 Wyrd cost. Also, unfortunately, reveals the extent of your power as a psion)
>Much as it displeases you, you will have to resort to magic to escape. Which means revealing your status as a mage on top of being a psion. But that's the only way you can think of to outmaneuver a military craft (~200 mana, which cannot be regained in the depths of space)