>>5205520Lisa and Grizzie walked out from the village gates under escort by Sathriel, Yan Wong, and Solomon. The latter three of the group were rendered invisible under the effects of a concealment spell courtesy of the Arbiter's runes.
It didn't take long for Sathriel to notice and locate Susan's warband, who encamped themselves upon the peak of the nearest hill of fat overlooking the village.
A group of daughters 25-strong, all dressed in thuggish outfits, and sporting equally thuggish faces and expressions of hunger and bloodlust. Fibromancers, Humoral Paladins, Calcite Armorers, Gluttons, and the odd press-ganged neuromancer. A sizable force for a warband with fighters of middling to low individual strength, and yet they barely hold a candle to the lady of war that leads them.
Susan Loupe stood a good head and a half above the rest the crowd, and half-a head taller that Sathriel herself. Black fur topped by waist-long brown hair, lycanthropian build. She wore a thuggish outfit for a woman, and yet there was an undeniable hint of upper class culture. The gold rings adorning her fingers and ears along with the ornately carved tobacco pipe held between her teeth serving as the signs of her sophisitication.
A text-book definition of tall, dark and powerful. A defining image of strength and elegance in a world of Biopunk and Cannibalism, and yet Sathriel couldn't help but be mildly irritated at the height difference.
That image immediately went to mush in Lisa's presence as the Wolf of the Wastes wasted no time in scooping her daughter up into a hug that Lisa struggled and squirmed to break out of to no avail before reluctantly going limp in submission.
"Hi Lisa! How are you doing baby girl?"
"I'm fine, mom..."
"Do you have the goods ready?"
Lisa didn't answer. Susan noticed the non-answer and set her daughter down with concern.
"What's wrong? Where is the food you promised?"