>>6077931Stone tiles shatter and debris is sent flying as Kaliflor is sent down into the arena itself. Silence hangs for a moment, then several cheers go up from the crowd. Only for the woman to shoot back up out of the dust cloud even before it reached its own apex, blinking up directly to Chaya with a left turning kick to the head. Your daughter is ready, however, blocking the hit with her right forearm braced with her left hand. Kaliflor then goes on the attack, launching a barrage of blindingly quick strikes. Forcing your daughter onto the defensive, being pushed further and further from the arena up into the air. It would appear that Kaliflor is simply too fast for your daughter.
But you know better. Despite the seeming speed advantage, Chaya manages to block or narrowly dodge every strike, Kaliflor's strikes barely grazing her. Not even relying on her Su Ma, but letting herself get pushed back further into the sky by retreating in a mostly straight line. Which leaves you wondering, just what is she up to?
Well? Do you try and find out from Chaya directly?
>Telepathically ask your daughter what she's doing, why she's letting herself get pushed back like this and what her plan is>Ask your children, from youngest up what they think their sister is doing. Use this as a teaching moment, to see if they can see through whatever their sister is doing>Say nothing and keep watching, you're sure to find out in due time>Other(write in)