Your name is Ezreal Mious Van Houtzmann. You are the personal Mage Apprentice of the Archmage of the Hawksong Mages’ Tower, and a Disciple of the True Fey. Having found a measure of balance between your human and elven heritage, you are a mage whose mystical, spiritual and political career are all at their absolute peak, and yet only seem set to continue ascending to still greater heights.
So how did you end up babysitting a monster, again?
You and Izirina Henzler—the Archmage’s daughter, and your significant other (well, one of them, it’s complicated) attracted your fair share of stares as you lead your young charge through the emerald-lit ‘streets’ of Iternagreyn, the capital of Sylvan civilization., a city of tall trees and root-and-branch bridges and stairways. Behind you trails your young charge… Or perhaps ‘prisoner’ is a better word, though he doesn’t act like it. The so-called ‘Unknowable Prince’ has all the usual rambunctious energy of his young age, which wouldn’t be a problem… Except that, as the child of the Dragon King of Bloodrise and the spawn of some unknown and no-doubt terrifying mate, he is also fifteen feet long, towers over you when he rears up, and has all the charm and cuteness one would expect from the description: ‘what if a huge insect also had a crocodile’s face and a lion’s mane?’
‘All the elves are staring at us,’ the Prince addresses you, communicating by means of frantic hand gestures while his toothy maw splits open to emit an uneasy, rattling chirp. ‘The elves at home stare, too, but not like this.’
“The dark elves are allies of your father,” you note, grip tightening on your staff. “These elves… Aren’t.”
The long-and-short of it is that you, and Izzy and all your other friends and allies awaiting your return in their diplomatic accommodations, were dispatched to the Sylvan Realms to retrieve this enfant terrible, and thus avert a war between his Dragon King and your elven mother’s people—a war that, through a conspiracy of shapeshifting cross-species romance—threatens to drag in even Hawksong, greatest city of the Race of Man. This was never a simple proposal to begin with but, upon discovering that the Unknowable Prince was a disciple of the same dark entity who has been secretly tutoring Izzy, you made the executive decision to bail him out of jail (well, a taboo temple for unclean things, such as he) and into your personal custody.
See for this quest and its predecessors; only Seeker(s) threads are 'required reading' to follow along, but RIQ and DAQ are in the same universe and share some characters