>>5694541>rolled: 1 Mildred BerryclothYou find what appears to be a small sewing kit, a spool of thread, a tiny needle and thimble trodden into the filth of the cobbled alleyway, overlooked by the investigating constables. Perhaps the unfortunate victim was a seamstress? Or is it a hint as to something else?
QM: the choices appear to be
>Nominate THREE items to pay Thelemy Maskelyne, if you wish for him to accompany you. Perhaps he might answer a few more questions, along the way?>>5694029>Try and follow the horse groom who fled Enoch Lusk, retracing his steps into the Rookeries and slum districtYou anticipate this will involve a significant element of danger. If you need to make any preparations, do so now.
Leave this horrifying scene. You do not have enough information to make any progress in the investigation at this stage. Head to
>Lady Temperance's Water Banquet>Witenagemot House>Investigate the Clock Tower>The Railyard near Wentworth Ironworks & Foundry>Meet Ezsekael Tranter, the gunsmith>Le Cenacle, private members club>Inform Lord Huntingtower and Cyril Darnay about Beatrice and the naked painting; perhaps the mere imputation will be enough to ruin her?>Find an antiquarian who might know the history of the Odalisque and the Vermillion City (QM: but who?)>The Spittle Field, The Slums / The Rookeries, Leighton's Garret (QM: the escaped groom, who lied about the carriage wheel, fled in this direction)
>Investigate the murdered women>Confront Bill Hooke and the Grueller knife gang(optional: apprehend Elsie, the Flower Girl)
>Find Leighton's memento >Something else? Write in