>>5693647I forgot to mention “the civilisation gets +0.05 Technology and Culture” on the last update.>The civilisation gets +87 Population.>The civilisation gets +0.1 Technology.>The civilisation gets +5 Health.>The civilisation gets -5 Equality and Security.The Pragradravic are allowed to dwell in Protavic territory, as long as they assimilate into Protavic society. Any traditions that they once had must be abandoned in favour of apiculture and the practice of exchanging beasts for goods. A few of them refuse this offer and move on, but the majority choose to stay and adopt our tribe's way of life.
The Protavic benefit from the secrets of architecture that the newcomers bring with them. Wattle and daub huts spring up across the tribe's territory, with thatched roofs made out of knotted reeds. Those who live in these structures are less exposed to the elements and tend to live healthier lives.
Unfortunately, the decision to integrate the Pragradravic into our tribe has offended the Bravigrovic. Not a year goes by without women or livestock being stolen and the practice of offering tribute is no longer enough to make the woman-snatchers stop. In addition to this, the Protavic people become increasingly traditional and begin to shun those who do not adhere to the tribe's customs.
A generation passes.
Despite the increased aggression of the Bravigrovic tribe, many of the tribesmen live prosperous lives and find themselves with plenty of time to ponder things other than their survival. It's not uncommon for herdsmen and apiarists to spend hours of every day contemplating the meaning of life and other such things. Questions regarding these existential topics become so common that the heads of the families convene to discuss them and decide upon an answer.
First of all, which question is the most important one in the eyes of the Protavic people?
<span class="mu-s">“How does the world work?”</span> So much of the universe is shrouded in mystery. Think of the things that the Protavic could accomplish if they understood the true nature of the world.
<span class="mu-s">“Where did everything come from?”</span> The world is such a complicated place, but something must have made it. Our tribe must figure out who – or what – is responsible.
<span class="mu-s">“What happens to us after we die?”</span> There is such a dramatic difference between the living and the dead. The Protavic need to uncover the truth behind this morbid transformation.
<span class="mu-s">“Why are we wasting our time like this?”</span> There is no need for tribesmen to ask such stupid questions when they could be using their time more productively instead. This is pointless.
>“How does the world work?”>“Where did everything come from?”>“What happens to us after we die?”>“Why are we wasting our time like this?”