Quoted By:
TIME: 14:45
== You are in the CHURCH ==
(2 days until Daitza and you become main ingredients of gnoll soup)
(Most dwarves have left the Dining Hall after lunch, servings are running out)
(Murdock returns to the Church at 16:00)
(20:00 – Dinner time for fortress)
(22:00 – Sleepy time for fortress)
>Meditate for an hour (+20 to 30 Focus EXP)
>Pray to Mom
>Rest for an hour (recovers HP – read your Status and the ‘Mechanics’ pic to know the exact amount)
>Go to a location in the current floor (see pic related for reference)
>Go down to the 2nd floor (Farms, Slaughterhouse, Holyhaven Lake)
>Go down to the 3rd floor (Mines, Barracks, Dwarven Barricade)
>Go down to the 4th floor (Catacombs)
>Write in
== Also pick one of the following optional choices (omitting means you default to the 3rd one) ==
>Talk to Daitza about... (Write in)
>Talk to Hawkodesh about... (Write in)
>Talk to Daitza about what she found out with the priest
>Write in