Following the Emperor's death at Endor, the once unstoppable Galactic Empire has cracked and began to crumble. While the members of the Rebel Alliance come together to form the NEW REPUBLIC, the remnants of the Empire begin to tear themselves apart at the hands of IMPERIAL WARLORDS who each seek to install them-self as the next emperor. With nearly half the galaxy in the hands of the New Republic, the IMPERIAL REMNANT seems powerless to stop the rebel advance.
Among the soldiers and sailors of the WARLORDS, terror and hope fills men and women in varying forms, as those who serve seek their calls of duty and responsibility, surviving just to live another day in a galaxy without order....
>previous Thread: to date Pastebin: are Commander Slythas Caimes, heading up your own independent task force resting over Kuat, trying to return crewmen forced out of your fleet by political maneuvering far above your rank. Last we left you, you were on your way down to the surface to meet a Kuati noble, who called you to dinner, where we reconvene...